Cloverdale Lady Clovers 2021-2022 Basketball Season

Written on 11/04/2021

The 2021-2022 basketball season is officially underway for the Lady Clovers. Tuesday, November 2nd, The Lady Clovers beat Riverton Parke 42-34. Riverton Parke outscored Cloverdale 12 to 20 in the first half. Cloverdale then outscored Riverton Parke in the second half 30 to 14.

“Early on it was a struggle for us,” said Coach Wade. “We didn’t take care of the basketball and we had a lot of turnovers.”

I then asked how the seniors will play, and he said, “We have a great group of girls and they work very hard. That’s all we can ask for.”

When asked, players Ella Rightmyer and Chloe Sprinkle had some things to say about their senior season. Rightmyer said, “We have a lot of things to improve on, and tons of things to work on.”  Sprinkle said, “We need to shoot more, but I think it’s first game jitters. As the season goes on, we will know our people better and start scoring more. We will be better.”

When I asked how some girls being in their senior season will come into play, they said, “We played travel ball together and the younger kids look up to that. When they see that they think, “oh that’s what they do; I need to try to figure out how to do that.” They see us putting work in after practice and they look up to that. When I was a freshman I looked up to seniors and their leadership ability.”

The Lady Clovers will face South Putnam at home this Saturday at 6:00. Check out the schedule for the season here.