Cloverdale FFA Competes in the District VII Leadership Contest

Written on 03/15/2023
Sierra Kelley

On March 10th, 2023, Cloverdale FFA competed in the District VII Leadership Contest at Shakamak High School. 22 members went and all competed in different categories.

One category consisted of Prepared Public Speaking, which is a prepared speech and the delivery of a six to eight minute oral presentation to a board of judges. Other categories showcased demonstrations of skills in areas like, Plant & Soil Science, Food Science, Natural Resources, Animal Science, and Horticulture. Quiz Bowl consists of teaching FFA members to know key information about the FFA organization; members are then tested on their knowledge. Ag Sales is meant to introduce students to the potential of Ag sales as a career and to prepare better future consumers by having them pitch a sale to a board of judges. The Persuasive Essay consists of FFA members writing an essay to convince judges on a topic in just an hour. Exhibit is members working together to produce an exhibit to highlight their chapter’s local, state, and national FFA programs and inform the community of their presence.

Here are the results:

Second Place:
– Freshman Prepared Public Speaking – Chloe Inman
– High School Quiz Bowl – Hudson Young, Ella Dicken, Gabby Sanders, Dylan Watts
– Plant & Soil Demonstration – Mackenzie Farmer

Third Place:
– Food Science Demonstration – Chloe Couch & Abby Nees
– Natural Resources Demonstration – Ella Dicken & Kaidence Salsbury
– Discovery Animal Science Demonstration – Lexi Mann & Kadence Dorsett

– Prepared Public Speaking – Emily Mann
– Discovery Quiz Bowl – Meghan Halloran, Lexi Mann, Kadence Dorsett & Eric Collins
– Ag Sales – Abagayle Welton
– Persuasive Essay – Sierra Kelley
– Exhibit – Sierra Kelley & Savannah Hubble
– Horticulture Demonstration – Andrea Nees

Congratulations to all of the members who participated and showcased their skills!