Cloverdale High School’s Homecoming Spirit Day Winning Classes

Written on 10/03/2022
Sierra Kelley

To start off the week, the Juniors beat the Freshmen in volleyball. For Spirit Day, Juniors also came in first for pajama day dress-up. Seniors came in first with cheer blocks and ranked third in dress-up. The Freshmen came in second in cheer block and second in dress-up. Overall, the Sophomores were 4th in all categories.

The Seniors beat the Sophomores in volleyball. The Seniors came in second for dress-up for surfer vs. biker day. Juniors slipped to third place for dress-up. Freshmen took first place in dress-up and second place in cheer block. Seniors held first place for cheer block. The Sophomores continued to place last across the board.

The Seniors came in first for cheer block once more and first for dress-up on Adam Sandler Day. The Freshmen beat the sophomores in the “losers” match in volleyball. They came in second place for dress-up and cheer block. The Juniors were third in cheer block and dress-up. Once again, Sophomores were 4th in everything.

The Seniors won 1st place in volleyball and sheet. They came in second for cheer block and dress-up today. Juniors finished 2nd place in volleyball and third place in the sheet. They won first place in cheer block and first in dress-up for decades. Freshmen finished 3rd place in volleyball and 2nd place in the sheet. They fell to third place in cheer block and dress-up. Sophomores finish 4th place in volleyball, cheer block, and dress-up. Since they had no sheet, they had to forfeit.

To finish the day off, the Teachers won against the Seniors in volleyball, although it was a close game. The Seniors had the best float in the Homecoming Parade. The Juniors pulled off a win against the Seniors in Powder Puff, with a 6 to 0 score. Finally, The Freshmen girls won the Tug-O-War.

The final scores stand as 1st place Seniors, 2nd place Juniors, 3rd place Freshmen, and 4th place Sophomores. The final sheet scores go to 1st place Seniors, 2nd place Freshmen, 3rd place Juniors, and a forfeit for the Sophomores. Overall, the cheer block is 1st for the Seniors and 2nd place is a tie for the Juniors and Freshmen. The Sophomores could not catch up, although they did start participating, so they will get a 4th place finish. The final results for dress-up were too close to tell with the Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen all neck and neck. The Sophomores once again placed 4th.