2022 Academic Superbowl

Written on 05/02/2022

Academic Superbowl is a contest in which teams of four will compete against other schools. The teams compete in quiz-like questions in the categories of Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Art, and Interdisciplinary.  Overall we had 14 of our amazing Clovers compete!

Academic Superbowl is a contest in which teams of three to five students compete against other schools. The teams compete in quiz-like questions in the categories of Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Fine Arts, and Interdisciplinary.

The Cloverdale teams competed in the Class 4 area on Tuesday, April 19. We had 14 students in total compete at Greencastle for first place! The teams studied and quized each other over the year on the topic: “Our neighbor to the North: Canada.”

Math Team: Tabiah Foster,Caiden Watts, Katie Dicken

English Team: Deelaynee Lauer, Phoenix Breedlove, Dennis Souders

Science Team: Chris Benitez, Isaac Nees, Emma Paauwe

Fine Arts Team: Sierra Kelley, Tabiah Foster, Jaidyn Helton

Social Studies: Audrie Fulkerson, Savannah Hubble

Interdisciplinary Team: Tabiah Foster, Deelaynee Lauer, Chris Benitez, Audrie Fulkerson, Isaac Nees, Katie Dicken and Savannah Hubble.

The teams did an amazing job with Math, Science, Social Studies, and Interdisplinary all coming in first, and with Fine Arts and English teams getting second place!