Days Off in January

Written on 01/13/2022
Sierra Kelley

Even though we just returned from Winter Break, students are having a few days of break in the month of January. On January 17, students will not have school due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Students should use this day to learn about the holiday and appreciate it. 

On January 28, students will once again have no school as it is a Teacher’s Day for Leader in Me. The Teacher’s Day will help teachers learn even more about the program. Leader in Me is a new program brought to Cloverdale that teaches students the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The theme for this month is “first things first.” 

Some more of the habits are: 

  • Be proactive 
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Think win-win
  • first, seek to understand then understood
  • Synergize
  • Sharpen the saw

Students, be sure to enjoy the 17th and the 28th because we will not have another day free until spring break!