Service Learning Project 2021

Written on 10/27/2021

Gallery of dozens of photos of students working hard at the 2021 Service Learning Project!

The service learning project is a community service event that Cloverdale High School is proud of for many reasons.  The biggest reason that this project is so special is that it is a completely student-led project.  It is also a great opportunity for students of Cloverdale to get experience in organizing events and going out and helping their community.  Each homeroom class elects two student representatives and they are responsible for finding someone in the community that needs help.  Then they load busses or walk to the places in need to complete their community service.  

This year’s service learning project was on October 22nd.  It was led by Cloverdale High School senior Brady Koosman and Junior Carson Hall.  All of the students were very excited to not only get out of class for the day, but to be helpful to people who need it.  Some groups helped spread rocks, pull weeds, and clean out gutters.  One group even helped out at the firehouse.  ”It’s a pleasure to be able to help lead this because I’ve always wanted a way to give back to the community,” says Brady.

Cloverdale Highschool’s principal, Mr. Stolz claims he is very happy about how it turned out this year and he is proud of the students’ hard work.  The service learning project is something that many students look forward to.  So next year, if you are in need of help with your yard work, cleaning, or general maintenance, the students of Cloverdale would be happy to help.