Student Art Show

Written on 04/18/2022
Maria Skiles

Student Author: Riley Bates

Interested in art? Want somewhere to ponder? Want to catch a prodigy before they skyrocket to stardom? Then you may want to hear about the Putnam County Museum’s student art show! Students from schools in the surrounding area are given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have their art displayed in a real museum. Schools can submit 12 individual artworks each to be reviewed by a museum curator and set up in a room full of student-submitted works. Three winners from each category (digital, 2D, 3D, and the judge’s choice) will be chosen to receive a bag of top-of-the-line art supplies, to help aid in the creation of more museum-worthy pieces. 

The museum also uploads the art from this event onto their website, so anyone visiting it for any reason will be able to see an aspiring artist’s work with the simple click of a button. Not to mention the publicity the student will receive from having their name on display next to the art they made, along with their school, the name of the artwork, and the student’s current grade. These manifestations of the youth of today’s creativity deserve to hold a place where they can be seen, as nothing is more important to someone with a dream than to have it encouraged. This can do more than just make a kid feel good about something they have made. This event gives young artists a chance to show everyone something they are good at, and with any luck, they may be showing people the first few art pieces of a career-long portfolio. If you are interested in viewing art made by students in the area, check out the Putnam County Art Museum at 1105 North Jackson Street Greencastle Indiana 46135 or call 765-653-8419.

*Pictures are from the Putnam County Museum’s Website