National Days in May 2023

Written on 05/01/2023

Come learn about the different national days in may

Every year people celebrate annual things like Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Did you know, though, that something different is celebrated or appreciated on each day of the year. In this article I’m going to inform you about the different days celebrated in May of 2023 and what you can do to celebrate them.         

May 1st National School Principals’ Day: Do something as simple as saying thank you to your principal for what they do.           

May 2ndNational Teacher Appreciation Day: Be respectful to your teachers, give them a big thanks for teaching you.  

May 3rd – National Sun Day: Go outside and get some good ole Vitamin D.                                            

May 4th – National Orange Juice Day: Buy some orange juice and enjoy the day.

May 5th – National Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie: I think this one speaks for itself as far as what to do 🙂

May 6th – National Nurses Day: Go see your school nurse or a local nurse in your community and give them a thank you.

May 7th – National World Laughter Day: Hang out with some friends or family and have fun.

May 8th – National Give Someone a Cupcake Day: Make a few cupcakes and give them to the ones you love.

May 9th – National Lost Sock Memorial Day: Go through your socks and let those unmatchable ones go.

May 10th – National Shrimp Day: Grab some cocktail sauce and eat some shrimp.

May 11th – National Eat What You Want Day: Stop at your favorite buffet or restaurant and eat what you love.

May 12th – National Nutty Fudge Day: Make some nutty fudge with the family.

May 13th – National Dog Moms Day: If you’re a dog mom, go love on your dog.

May 14th – National Dance Like a Chicken Day: Yep, dance like a chicken.

May 15th – National Bring Someone Flowers Day

May 16th – National Sea Monkey Day

May 17th – National Bike to School Day: Make sure it will be a safe trip if you do this!

May 18th – National I Love Reese’s Day

May 19th – National Plant Something Day

May 20th – National Learn to Swim Day

May 21st – National Take Your Parents to the Playground Day

May 22nd – National Solitaire Day

May 23rd – National Lucky Penny Day

May 24th – National Mike Day: Let a Mike know you appreciate him!

May 25th – National Bath Bomb Day

May 26th – National Road Trip Day

May 27th –  National Sunscreen Day

May 28th – National Hamburger Day: Go and have lunch at a local restaurant and eat a burger.

May 29th – National Snail Day

May 30th – National Hug Your Cat day

May 31st-  National Fisherman Day