Seinors went to IRT!

Written on 10/09/2022

Tuesday, October 4th seniors and select juniors went to IRT (Indiana Repertory Theatre) in Indy to watch the spectacular play, "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austin!

Tuesday, October 4th, Cloverdale High School Seniors, and a few Juniors, had the pleasure of going to IRT (Indiana Repertory Theatre) in Indy. The students watched the play Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin.  The play followed the three Dashwood daughters, as they must move with their widowed mother from their expensive estate to a small cottage, and takes place in the 19th century. Students then had lunch at the Circle Centre Mall. After arriving back at the school, students were raving about how delightful the play was.

Student Emma Paawue says “The play was an enjoyable experience; it kept me very engaged and was entertaining.” Another student Ilse Bouwmeester says,” It’s a very interesting play; it had good build-up and a great ending.”